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MORE is a Humanitarian Advocacy organisation run by former Diplomats, International civil servants, political minsters and anti-corruption activists, championing world leaders to:

Integrity | Justice | Peace


Dr. Paul Victor, Goodwill Ambassador of MORE TRUST to the African continent, with leaders.

MORE is a Humanitarian Advocacy Organization (HAO) run by former and present diplomats, bureaucrats, government officials, and civil society leaders; focussing on SDG2 - ZERO HUNGER, in developing nations. MORE is accredited under the UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (ECOSOC). Our Foreign Policy Advisory organisation, UNADAP is accredited under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and is a member of the Alliance for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, under the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), at the United Nations Office in Vienna.

UNADAP works towards promoting Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan or Self-reliant India campaign with the vision of new India envisaged by the Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.

To view the complete and updated portfolio of MORE and UNADAP, please <<<CLICK HERE>>>


‘Athmanirbhar Bhart’, ‘self-reliant India’

"Each day, 25,000 people, including more than 10,000 children, die from hunger..." United Nations



Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Programme Director: Ms. Leema Rose

Food menu: Indian-vegetarian-organic Submarine-sandwich and delicious cottage cheese & veggie wraps

Published by,

Communications Director, UNADAP

With the urgent appeal from the UN Secretary General to eradicate hunger, UNSDG 2 (ZERO HUNGER), and Prime Minister Modi's Athmanirbhar Bharat - self reliant India drive, UNADAP acknowledges that we are just a drop in the ocean to eradicate ‘acute hunger’ starting with India. As we do our little bit, we are excited about our new concept of food distribution.

STUDY: Most food distribution programmes in India, including UNADAP, in good faith, are served with rice, India's staple diet, which is not the healthiest to consume for all meals. Many outreach charity programs in India, distribute coloured-rice and sometimes with no gravy or a side-dish, making the rice dry and unpalatable. Furthermore, the food is usually served in non-eco-friendly aluminium foil packaging.

There are places as ISKON that really take care in the nutrition values for food distribution and we need to learn from them.

The issue with rations and groceries distribution is that the poor have little or no fuel to cook the raw supplies, causing the supplies to go stale, and most are homeless. Another issue is that the supply of groceries helps in the long-term, but does not solve the immediate need for a person to have a meal. The United Nations has estimated that, "Each day, 25,000 people, including more than 10,000 children, die from hunger and related causes. Some 854 million people worldwide are estimated to be undernourished, and high food prices may drive another 100 million into poverty and hunger." (source)


When our ‘Food Programme’  team had conducted a study on the beneficiaries of such foods, the recipients were grateful but yet not so happy with the status quo, as they feel deprived and outcast with what they type of food they receive.  During one such outreach programme, a child who along with her parents and friends were seeking help on road, was not too pleased to eat the coloured-rise that was distributed and when we enquired, she and friends who tagged along stated that "everyone gives us rice all the time and sometimes it's leftovers and sometimes it's only coloured rice and we have been eating it all our lives." Her father said that they were however grateful for whatever they received. Then the child held the hand of the Executive Director, Dr. Dixon and said, "Uncle, can you buy me a roll (wrap)", as she pointed to restaurant near by, and stated that she wanted a veg roll since she was a Hindu vegetarian. Dr. Dixon stated that if his own niece or nephew had asked him for a wrap or a burger, he would never refuse. Thus our new menu was born and out of love.

RESULT: Therefore, our team at UNADAP decided that we must do better as a nation and give our fellow-Indians a sumptuous-healthy-desi meal. After weeks of discussions with chefs and dieticians, we have designed two meal packages as we partnered with leading food service providers, pan India for our food programme. The menu is designed as Indian-vegetarian-organic meals comprised of Submarine-sandwiches and delicious cottage cheese & veggie wraps, made with wheat bread, filled with cottage cheese, capsicum, tomatoes, onions, sprinkler power for the desi-tingle on the palette and sauces with additional condiments. The packing used are biodegradable and ecological paper, with zero usage of plastic.


Considering climate-change and the soaring heat temperatures in India, a tetra pack of a healthy-flavoured-milkshake, made with fortified toned milk, was also provided. We have removed the plastic straws from the pack and cut the pack to drink directly from it.


India must become ‘Athmanirbhar Bhart’, ‘self-reliant India’ as is Prime Minister Modi’s economic vision and economic development in the country.

UNADAP has over 1500 volunteers pan India, and this food programme will run for the next three months to address the need of acute hunger, with the hope that more individuals, more families, more corporates will do their little bit to eradicate acute hunger.

As a rule, we do not publish images of the poor receiving food packages, but in this post, we've expressed the chronic situation of poverty, as people are going to bed hungry in the desperate climate conditions, unable to ask for help due to soaring temperates. We never post images of children receiving food even though dozens have received it.

It is our hope that within a city, at every zone, individuals, families, and corporates have such outreaches so that no one goes to bed hungry!





Her Excellency Dr. Dena Assaf the UN chief (Resident coordinator) of the United Nations in the United Arab Emirates, graciously welcomed Dr. Dominic F Dixon, the Executive Director of UNADAP in Dubai. Lengthy discussions were held on world peace and diplomatic dialogue, and geopolitical reconciliation; with the intention of ZERO HUNGER.




This is the research paper presentation of the Chairman, Dr. Dominic Dixon to UNITAR @ United Nations Headquarters in Vienna, Austria and in Economic Diplomacy in Geneva, Switzerland.


Dr. Dixon had presented a research paper at the Constitution of India on 'Pornography' and how it's consumption has impacted sexual violence against women and children in India.


With the ongoing persecution of minorities; be in sexual or gender minorities, or race and cultural minorities, the world we live is facing an aggravated assault on this section.



Dr. Dixon, Chairman of MORE was a delegate along with diplomats to the UN.
These are very real situations, the names of states and embassy have been changed.

"Federal/ Political Land Dispute" & "Settlement and Hostage Negotiation."

Training to handle demographic land dispute and settlement of two peoples' group with the endangerment of genocide.

For land settlement, I had to act as the country representative for the right to self determination as a peoples group. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the United Nations were the observers. The final agreement was to call for a truce and to allow minorities the right to education, the right to mother tongue, the right to public sector jobs and the right of the minority group to run for office. The ultimate goal would be for 'one nation one people'.

In the pic of four people, are members of the hostage negotiation team that I was a part of. One person who is a senior diplomat with the UN is not in the pic. Not mentioning their names for their privacy, the lady in the pic is a diplomat of Brazil to Rome, the gentleman next to her is a permanent representative to the UNOV from the Arab Nations League and the gentleman next to him was the Mediator, is the First Secretary at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Vienna, and yours truly.

What we see on television and the dramatic intensity of a hostage situation in nothing compared to a simulation or the real deal.


Deputy Speaker with Shri Ravi Kandal, Ambassador of Peace of MORE TRUST, New York. Photo/Tibetan Parliamentary Secretariat

Dr. Ravi Kandal, visits Tibetan Parliament

Dr. Ravi Kandal talked about the destruction of Tibet’s environment and ecological system, displacement of nomads, assimilation of Tibetan language and culture as well as various hydrological projects, which also threatens the sustainability of water resources in the neighboring countries.

Shri Ravi Kandal was apprised with the exiled Tibetan Parliamentary composition and functions, its electoral system as well as the its session.

READ full story from the Tibetan parliament website.



Session on 'Economic Diplomacy'International Environment House, Geneva, Switzerland.

"If the goal of diplomacy is peace, then the goal of 'Economic Diplomacy' is Prosperity"
Julie Bishop,
Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

- Review of The Paris declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda for Action.

- Evolution of Multilateralism and Economic Diplomacy

- Role of Economic Diplomacy

- Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomacy

- Key issues at the UN system of organization in todays Global and economical environment

Case studies:

1. The Uruguay Round Negotiations

2. Chinese Economic Diplomacy towards Africa

3. Economic Diplomacy and its interaction with Politics: The case of OPEC

4. The case of Sanctions: Anglo-Iranian Oil Dispute

Simulation Exercise:

Bilateral Aid agreement between the Government of Urbania and the Government of Azania.

Carbon free cities in a carbon free world

Dr. Dixon, Chairman of MORE TRUST was a delegate along with diplomats to the UN.

Please watch the short comical video to understand diplomacy as it is... Yes Minister: European Diplomacy


Dr. Dominic Dixon, the Chairman of MORE presented a research paper at the United Nations Office in Vienna, on Neuroplasticity.

Dr. Dominic Dixon, the Chairman of MORE TRUST presented a research paper at the United Nations Office in Vienna, on Neuroplasticity.


Neuroplasticity makes your brain extremely resilient and is the process by which all permanent learning takes place in your brain, such as playing a musical instrument or mastering a different language. Neuroplasticity also enables people to recover from stroke, injury, and birth abnormalities, improve symptoms of autism, ADD and ADHD, learning disabilities and other brain deficits, pull out of depression and addictions, and reverse obsessive-compulsive patterns





A Partnership that ENABLES at Kristu Jayanti College (A Grade)

"Psychological perspective: Perception of the disabled individuals and society"


Dr. Dixon's speech at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, presided by, H.E. Mr. Federico Villegas, President of the Human Rights Council; Ms. Nada Al-Nashif, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights and others.

Conference: Intersessional panel discussion on the challenges and good practices in the prevention of corruption, and the impact of corruption on the enjoyment of human rights in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sitting right beside Dr. Dixon, on the other side of the isle was the Pakistani Ambassador to the UN, Mr. Khalil-ur-Rahman HASHMI, who walked out before Dr. Dixon's speech.

“Righteousness exalts a nation.” Proverbs 14:34

Jai Hind!

<<<Read full transcript with citations>>>


MISSION: To contribute to the advancement of socially inclusive programmes that empower vulnerable and underprivileged youth, providing them with opportunities to enjoy equal access to education, health services, technologies, as well as to learn about global issues that will impact their lives. And to call world leaders to make this world a better place through Integrity, Justice & Peace.

MORE is focused on executing the SG2 - ZERO HUNGER.

AIMS & PURPOSE: 1. To contribute towards the advancement of vulnerable and underprivileged children and youth, with socially inclusive programmes that protect and empower them; 2. To provide opportunities to enjoy equal access to quality education, vocational training, healthcare services and other opportunities; 3. To publish material in keeping with all the objectives; 4. To create awareness about global and domestic issues that will impact their lives; 5. To develop modalities and capabilities that assist in working with intergovernmental bodies, NGO’s, and academic institutions for strategising and shaping a better future in the nation of India; 6. To overcome national challenges of poverty, malnutrition and illiteracy; 7. To become a community of people learning to live with compassion, commitment and competence alongside all in India and the world.

MODALITIES: 1. To liaise with UN bodies across the globe for data mining, knowledge management, and reporting, which constitutes a way for leveraging respective strengths; 2. To build strengths that develop modern learning and training environments, platforms, tools, and methodologies which are based on state-of-art research, both technical and pedagogical; 3. To design and deliver innovative training to address needs of individuals, organisations and institutions; 4. To facilitate knowledge and experience-sharing through academic and research networks; 5. To conduct research and pilot innovative learning strategies, approaches and methodologies; 6. To advise and support central and state governments, UN and other partners with our findings of on-field work. 7. To embark on the journey of the UN's SDG's.


Officials of MORE TRUST have been widely interviewed in over 36 countries & over 100 Provinces by CNN, Headlines Today, US Politics, Agence France Presse, Khaleej Times Dubai, Times Now, NDTV, Yahoo, India Today, Taipei Times, Deccan Chronicle, Deccan Herald, Family Mantra, Charis Times, Times of India, Saudi, News 9, News X and dozens of other news media.


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